Chrome OS beta update brings 'immersive' mode, smarter app search and UI tweaks

If you're running Chrome OS betas like it's not even a thing, we're pegging you as a bit of a maverick. The latest update (29.0.1537.32) rewards your non-conformity with a bevy of small, but useful new features. There's Kernel 3.8 for the Pixel and Samsung 550 users, but likely you're more interested in the new "immersive" full screen mode that hides the shelf and tool bar. Or, what about the ability to pin apps to the shells with drag and drop? There's other tricks, too, such as wallpaper sync (across all your machines), UI scaling and a smarter app launcher. There's a full list at the source, but knowing you, you already went there, right?


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.