MarketGlory - Energy / Energy
MarketGlory - Energy / Energy
Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?
1. Determine the energy levels of referral bonuses that we fight and received;
2. Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
3. Energy level determines the percentage of income referral bonus;
4. Determine the energy levels of attack power and defense
Energy increases when the goods are consumed. For example, lower quality food will bring an increase in energy level 1. Also, when we eat high quality food will get 5 energy; quality goods consumed is very important in MarketGlory. Energy increases when eating or having: coffee (coffee), clothes (clothes), articles (article), houses (house / residence) and wine (wine).
1. Determine the energy levels of referral bonuses that we fight and received;
2. Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
3. Energy level determines the percentage of income referral bonus;
4. Determine the energy levels of attack power and defense
Energy increases when the goods are consumed. For example, lower quality food will bring an increase in energy level 1. Also, when we eat high quality food will get 5 energy; quality goods consumed is very important in MarketGlory. Energy increases when eating or having: coffee (coffee), clothes (clothes), articles (article), houses (house / residence) and wine (wine).
How much energy do we get?
Food (food):
1 for lower quality
3 for normal quality
5 for high quality
Food can be taken 4 times a day at the following times:
03:15 Server Time = approximately at 07.15 am (morning)
09:15 Server Time = around 13:15 pm (noon)
15:15 Server Time = approximately at 19:15 pm (evening)
21:15 Server Time = approximately at 01.15 am (morning)
Food can be purchased either from the local market (in local currency), or of the global market (with Gold). After we buy food, we can see how much food we have from the menu Profile / My Inventory.
Clothes (clothes):
1 per day for lower quality are distributed every hour of the day = 1/24
3 per day for normal quality distributed every hour of the day = 3/24
5 per day for the high quality distributed every hour of the day = 5/24
Clothes only valid or can be used 10 days. Energy is distributed every hour throughout the day. After the purchase we can see it in the menu Profile / My Inventory.
Coffee (coffee):
1 for lower quality coffee
3 for normal quality coffee
5 for high quality coffee
Coffee can be consumed at any time.
Houses (house / residence):
7 house distributed every hour of the day = 7/24
20 Villa are distributed every hour of the day = 20/24
35 Palace distributed every hour of the day = 35/24
Houses can be used or is only valid for 30 days.
Atricle (article):
we will earn 0.3 points for every article that energy purchased. 10x maximum purchase that day. Article can be purchased from the Home page located at the bottom.
Wine (Wine)
Wine can only be taken once a day dalah. Energy is obtained depends on the energy points are listed. Wine can only be purchased at the Local Market.
How energy decreases?
5% per hour
10% when the Work
2% when Fight
High energy level which allows we to gain more, and receive taxes (taxes) that are higher than referrals activity (activity referral).
WARNING! It is very important to link costs with revenues. But not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level.
Energy can reach up to 100 points.
10% when the Work
2% when Fight
High energy level which allows we to gain more, and receive taxes (taxes) that are higher than referrals activity (activity referral).
WARNING! It is very important to link costs with revenues. But not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level.
Energy can reach up to 100 points.