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MarketGlory - Tips And Tricks For Newbie Workers

MarketGlory - Tips And Tricks For Newbie Workers

MarketGlory is a web browser online game business simulation genre. As an impoverished Indonesian Workers (intention to join a free, lazy but want to be able to invest the money). In MarketGlory - money can be obtained from the work, from active referrals and from the fight between players. The size of the money earned is based on the amount of energy you have. (Energy standard is equal to 1 point)

For it then you should pay attention to the following tips and tricks ....

Eat The Clock equate Hours and Hours Fight

Turnaround time in MarketGlory using server time GMT +2, so you need to convert the time to Indonesian territory GMT +7 - pm, for other parts of Indonesia please adjust themselves.

Mealtime is a time in which the server will check the availability of food in your inventory, if there is food that you put in, the server will take the food and add it as a point in your energy. As a poor migrant workers of course you have not been able to buy food (cheapest price last 0.62 IDR), but in the long run the game you'll discover why it is so important to play (work, fight) in the hours after you've just eaten.

Note the hours following meals.
03:15 Server Time = approximately at 07.15 am (morning)
09:15 Server Time = around 13:15 pm (noon)
15:15 Server Time = approximately at 19:15 pm (evening)
21:15 Server Time = approximately at 01.15 am (morning)

when you are new to MarketGlory do not directly work or direct you spend allotments fight (fight max 10 per day). Choose between the EDT clock, where you have free time to log in and play.

The goal? when you have enough money to buy food, then you can work and fight with the additional energy gained after eating, because the more energy, the greater the earnings obtained. how to log 15 or 10 minutes before meals, buy 1 food, wait until the meal arrived, went to work after a meal and getting extra energy (healthy living, right?). For the record, food is divided into 3 based on quality, and each has an additional quality of a distinct energy:
Low quality - earn 1 point energy
Normal quality - get a 3 point energy
High quality - get a 5 point energy

and additional energy will be reduced over time until the next meal time hours.

Wah! I've already worked out and fight the clock!!! This means that additional energy obtained from food is not maximal. If this is the case, maybe you could put to work first so that time can be adjusted with meals, for example ...

If the amount of time you worked there at 16:00 pm you can put off for work (the story shift change) after at your next meal, at 19:15 pm.

Energy management tactics via this food had been due in Indonesia MarketGlory no one has opened the coffee shop business. For information, drinking coffee is the same with the food (can add energy) difference, coffee can be made at any time without the need to wait hours to eat.

Morning woke up I kept brawl.

Hehehe! One way to increase earnings is to get up early and hunt for free referrals. For information, about 05.00 am (morning) is one in which there are few active referrals that can be captured. If you managed to beat these players, then there is a certain percentage of their earnings in that day will be paid to you as a tax.

What is meant by active referral is the person who logged on to play every day, you need to see is the last time they logged in, when they logged on that day - then you are immediately challenged them to fight! Do not worry over the same point energy (eg you 1 energy point and they are also 1 point energy) and the winner is you certainly have a right to them for one day, the next day they will be free again and ready to be taken by others

MarketGlory - Experience, Knowledge, Productivity

MarketGlory - Experience, Knowledge, Productivity

EXPERIENCE (Experience)

Experience is an important factor in calculating Productivity (productivity). Experience increased 0.7 every time we work (work). If we work every day, will experience increased. We can buy the experience of state governments to:
€ 0.5 for every point experience when we have between 1-100 experience,
€ 0.4 for every point experience when we have between 101-500 experience,
€ 0.3 for every point experience when we had between 501-1000 experience.

Experience decreased snowfall:
0.2 points if we had between 1-10 experience points,
0.4 points if we have between 10-100 experience points,
1.0 points if we had between 100-500 experience points,
1.2 points if we had between 500-1000 experience points.

KNOWLEDGE (Knowledge)

Knowledge is an important factor in calculating Productivity (productivity). Knowledge gained from the book (the book):
1 book knowledge to low quality
Knowledge for normal quality 3 book
5 high quality knowledge to book

Knowledge decreased by 0.2 per day and can reach a maximum level of 1000.

PRODUCTIVITY (Productivity)

Productivity is the ability of citizens to produce goods for the company where we work. Productivity also determines the magnitude of the wage (salary) or a Work Bonus (bonus work). Productivity is calculated by using the formula:
Knowledge + Experience + energy / 3
Max energy = 100
Max experience = 1000
Knowledge max = 1000
Productivity max = 700

MarketGlory - Energy / Energy

MarketGlory - Energy / Energy

Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?

 1. Determine the energy levels of referral bonuses that we fight and received;
 2. Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
 3. Energy level determines the percentage of income referral bonus;
 4. Determine the energy levels of attack power and defense

Energy increases when the goods are consumed. For example, lower quality food will bring an increase in energy level 1. Also, when we eat high quality food will get 5 energy; quality goods consumed is very important in MarketGlory. Energy increases when eating or having: coffee (coffee), clothes (clothes), articles (article), houses (house / residence) and wine (wine).

How much energy do we get?

Food (food):

1 for lower quality
3 for normal quality
5 for high quality

Food can be taken 4 times a day at the following times:
03:15 Server Time = approximately at 07.15 am (morning)
09:15 Server Time = around 13:15 pm (noon)
15:15 Server Time = approximately at 19:15 pm (evening)
21:15 Server Time = approximately at 01.15 am (morning)

Food can be purchased either from the local market (in local currency), or of the global market (with Gold). After we buy food, we can see how much food we have from the menu Profile / My Inventory.

Clothes (clothes):

1 per day for lower quality are distributed every hour of the day = 1/24
3 per day for normal quality distributed every hour of the day = 3/24
5 per day for the high quality distributed every hour of the day = 5/24

Clothes only valid or can be used 10 days. Energy is distributed every hour throughout the day. After the purchase we can see it in the menu Profile / My Inventory.

Coffee (coffee):

1 for lower quality coffee
3 for normal quality coffee
5 for high quality coffee
Coffee can be consumed at any time.

Houses (house / residence):

7 house distributed every hour of the day = 7/24
20 Villa are distributed every hour of the day = 20/24
35 Palace distributed every hour of the day = 35/24
Houses can be used or is only valid for 30 days.

Atricle (article):

we will earn 0.3 points for every article that energy purchased. 10x maximum purchase that day. Article can be purchased from the Home page located at the bottom.

Wine (Wine)

Wine can only be taken once a day dalah. Energy is obtained depends on the energy points are listed. Wine can only be purchased at the Local Market.

How energy decreases?

5% per hour
10% when the Work
2% when Fight

High energy level which allows we to gain more, and receive taxes (taxes) that are higher than referrals activity (activity referral).

WARNING! It is very important to link costs with revenues. But not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level.
Energy can reach up to 100 points.

MarketGlory - is

MarketGlory - is

MarketGlory is a simulation game of economic, political, social, and military that allows you to convert virtual currency into real money you get. MarketGlory can be played directly from a web browser and requires no downloads. MarketGlory web browser is a business simulation game genre is second after Anno1777. I think this game is quite interesting, the graphics look pretty decent, and not heavy when executed. But for some people, the game is boring because it does not have the look of animation or 3D view when the action and so forth. This game is suitable for who like politics, trade, and warfare. Enough ± 2 hours per day spent in leisure time or while playing other games, playing poker for example.

MarketGlory is an online multiplayer browsergame which was released on August 24, 2011 by Eurosoft System company from Romania. Not surprised by the large number of players from that State. This game is similar Anno1777 conceptualized 90% released in 2010 from the Romanian company is also the difference in graphics.

This year MarketGlory have 17000 more players and average over 3900 active players (online) every day, is amazing. But the shortcomings of this game is only available two languages, namely English and Romanian, as well as additional options transtale google is still a mess. However MarketGlory still ranked in Alexa Rank Statistic 30.940 and perhaps this position due to the concept of a copy of the previous game.

MarketGlory have 3 currency is Euro, Gold (virtual currency), and the local currency / currencies of each country sample S (local currency). The exchange rate of each country is not much different. The following calculations:
1 Euro = ± 4 Gold
1 Gold = ± 10 IDR / USD / JPY etc.
1 Euro = ± 40 IDR

You can deposit / invest real money into the game account in Euros. And then swap the Euro to Gold and from Gold to the local currency. And when your income has reached a minimum of 20 euros ingame, you can pull into your bank account using a creditcard or PayPal account with a discount of 20% administrative fee.

Where the game got the money to be paid to the player? Is that real money can be transferred to your bank account? Yup! Money collected by the vendor is in the can game of the 'serious gamers' who want to open a business in the digital world, as well as taxation of turnover that occurs in the game. Just so you know, there is no such thing as free, you want to start a business? Then you should be ready capital for the business. This game can be a process of learning to do business with a low cost, maybe just enough with 10 euros you can have a business in the game.

Is free players can also set up his own business? It could be! Collect all your salary. Having enough capital to establish a business, please select what area of ​​business you want to run.

But one thing to keep in mind! game is NOT the kind of online business that gives only empty promises of instant wealth dreams and so it was . You will find a condition that is almost the same as when you set up a business in the life of

this game seems hard! Of course! For those who are drunk hunt for dollars, dreams want to be able to make money on the Internet with ease, mentally free, afraid to invest - just bite the fingers. Because this game is a game of survival in the digital world - this is not a game where you can gladly piled digital currency without the need to invest and others. If interested please register here

MarketGlory - Business Strategy Game Online - Profession

MarketGlory - Business Strategy Game Online - Profession

MarketGlory is a simulation game of economic, political, social and military lets you convert virtual currency into real money you get.

 Every player has a chance to become:

1. Minister (the Minister)

In order to rebuild the world , we need people strong , which could become the leader of the country . Once a month , in every country will hold elections . All citizens can propose to be highest acting Prime Minister ( Prime Minister ) . Every citizens entitled to vote and to vote for each candidate to be elected as Prime Minister and 7 ministers other . Members of the government have a responsibility : propose and choose the laws , they exchange the money from the government in market finance , and change the number of bonuses and tax countries .

2. Emperor (Emperor)

This job is as a  conqueror the world.  To begin with , you can make an organization fighters , and recruit soldiers to help you win the fight with other countries . only organization that can attack , and the leader of the organization that would become Emperor of countries conquered her . N egara that in taklukan  will pay the organization 30 % of the entire income countries . It's easy to increase revenue , if you collect soldiers who believed . Emperor does not take policy Prime Minister ( Prime Minister ) , and can not change the function of politics.

3. Manager (Company Manager)

You can help restore the economy of the country . Companies are available : restaurant, winery, grapes production, clothing factory, wood production, glass factory, paper production, mill, and weapons . you can help your company evolve more quickly , through the upgrade , which will greatly reduce the cost of your production . Arrange andministrasi company carefully , to increase your profits . guys can sell products at Local Market (local market) or in the Global Market (international market) .

4. Trade referrals ( Sales Referral)

Referral is the key of the new economic system . Invite friends guys  to play and increase the number of referrals . In the menu Affiliates , you have a link that can be in send it to all your friends a nda . People who sign up at the link you will be a referral you . guys will receive a bonus day for each referral active that you have , and also the percentage of their income . Additionally, you can also buy or sell referrals in Referral Market , or you can mem Block (maintain) them if you deem profitable .

5. Broker

The exchange rate is fluctuating (up and down) , as the impact of the transaction on the market , and now you have the possibility to speculate . guys have 80 national currency , which can you choose to increase revenue . When you buy a currency , the exchange rate rose , and when you sell , exchange rate down .

6. Journalist (Journalist)

Information is power , power is money . Become publishers Newspaper and get customers. Because every article that you buy will give you extra energy . guys can have a national newspaper or global , it depends on the market that you choose to sell the product . guys can publish any information and can be a journalist successful . D ith investment is minimal , can generate substantial profits in the future .

7. Work Each Day (Working every day)

You not only get a salary, but also receive points Experience for every working day, which will help develop the character of you and have a greater income.

8. God (Warrior)

Arena is a place where you can unleash the power ! Buy weapons and make sure you have the necessary energy to fight and challenge opponents . course , effort you keep akandihargai. you will receive a bonus day in the form of  euro , depending on Rank ( rank ) you , to a maximum of 20 euros per day . Moreover , in each battle you 'll earn bonus Attack Points and Defense Points , which can be in use within an organization , to conquer new territories . God is the highest level that can be dic apai in Arena .

9. Shareholders (Shareholders)

You can buy or sell items that can be a significant revenue and as a bonus when it reaches 10000 Euros funding partners, for each share that you have, you will receive 0.01 euros . You can trade in the stock Market and speculating with their prices .

How To Earn Money Online With MegaTypers Captcha Image Entry Work

The work is free captcha work online without registration fees in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and all over the World with very easy and simple steps.

This work doesn’t require any good knowlegde about computers or any technical stuff, All you need to know to do this job is how to install a few applications, fast internet and good typing speed.

I would suggest please read the full post before doing anything to make sure you are doing it properly.

So, cut the story short and follow these instructions to get started:

1. Get an account on or and if you want to receive payment via Western Union then don’t make accounts on those websites.
2. Complete signup process on Megatypers by click here.
3. Please fill up your details Email Address, Password, Name, Payment Type (Can not be changed ).
4. Enter invitation code as 7ID7, if it is not already added.
5. Enter the captcha image properly and click Register button.
Congratulations now you have this job and you can start the work by logging in, to login please click here.

Please read the details below that will help you get going with this job:

You can easily type around 1000 captcha in one hour and you will earn $0.85 – $1.25 per 1000 entries (depends on peak timings) that is $1/hour, so just imagine if you work for 5 hours a day you could earn $5 a day and $150 a month.

You can earn more by referring your friends by creating an affiliate code in your account and invite them to signup.

Please avoid typing wrong captcha because if you type wrong captchas your prevision rate will decrease and your account will be suspended.

Remember chose payement option liberty reserve then you will able to withdraw minimum $3

Here are some instructions on how to type captcha entries:

Don’t worry about capital or small letters (case-sensitive letters) you only have to type in lower case.
If you see some captcha images which has mathematical question please solve the question and type it for example image is: 1 + 2 = then you should type 3.
If you get two words in the captcha image please add a space between them to separate two words.
Don’t type any special characters you just have to type numbers or alphabets.
If you can’t read the captcha image properly then press “ESC” button to skip it.
That is all for now!!!

I wish you good luck with your online job and earnings.